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This salvia has serious flower power and is tougher than you might think

 This salvia has serious flower power In 2020, as part of annual trials at the University of Tennessee Garden in Jackson, we grew 'White Flame' salvia, which was sent to us as a model plant. It was a great performer and earned us our "Best Show" award at the end of the season. Like other "annual" salvias, we expected it to die back in the winter. But to my great surprise, it returned the following year - as it does every year, even though our temperatures sometimes drop below zero. If you like salvias in general, you're going to love 'White Flame'. The Plants are bushy and compact, with pure white 4- to 6-inch flow-over spikes appearing profusely from planting time until killing frost.Calyxes are bee magnets, and are enjoyed by hummingbirds and butterflies. Unlike many "annual" salvias produced fresh vegetatively, this selection blooms during summer in the South and does not cycle out. 'White Flame' Salvia loves hea...